Webster Groves High School students in Germany:
Impressions of school life

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By Kathryn Mahl

The first day of school is always a little unnerving, even if it’s your last. For us, the American exchange students, it was not only our first day of school, but our first day of school in a foreign country. It was a little overwhelming at first, so many people and all ages from 5th to 13th grade – something we’re not used to since our school is only grades 9-12.

Some other surprises, or at least differences, were the chalkboards, teachers moving from class to class, breaks for the entire school, and the students’ schedules. The chalkboards here move up and down! and they fold out. It’s really cool for us, since at home ours are just mounted on the wall. It’s also more practical, so students can see from all over the room, even if they’re seated behind somone tall.

In American schools, the teachers all have their assigned classroom and that’s where they stay... not here. Students and teachers alike travel from class to class.

At our school, Webster Groves High School, usually the students are late to class, but here the teachers are sometimes late! We were surprised to learn that the entire school went on break twice a day, for a total of 35 minutes. The closest thing we have to that is our lunch break, which is about half an hour.

Aside from the difference in cafeteria size, the lunch and »Pause« are much the same... students socialize, eat, goof off and maybe even do some homework due the next hour. Here, depending on your schedule, you may not have to come to school until late, or (in grades 11, 12 and 13) you may leave early, or come at eight a.m. and then leave for a few hours and then go back. This is very different from American schools because ours generally last from 8 a.m. to 2.30 or 3 p.m.

In a way it’s nice to have school all at once and then be done, but then again, it would be nice sometimes to sleep in, leave early or have a long break in the middle of the day.

All in all, the time spent at school is very worthwhile, fun, and cool. It may have taken us a day or so to assimilate ourselves, but we’re very excited and happy to be here and thank you for sharing your school with us.


Stand: 14.08.2006
Artur Weinhold

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