Texte zum Aktionstag TACHELES (7.11.)
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Steinis reden Klartext

Erinnern, Aufklären und Denkanstöße geben – das war unser Ziel des Projektes Tacheles.

Anlässlich der Reichspogromnacht, die auch in Lünen ihre Spuren hinterlassen hat, planten und organisierten drei Religionskurse unter der Leitung von Herrn Loer die Aktion Tacheles.

Klartext reden – so war das Motto der Aktion. Wir wollten die Menschen daran erinnern, was am 9. November 1938 geschehen ist. Sie dazu aufrufen nicht die Augen vor den Morden, die sich in der Vergangenheit zugetragen haben, zu verschließen, und sich auch heute nicht wegzudrehen, wenn Ungerechtigkeit oder Fremdenfeindlichkeit geschieht.

Aus diesem Grund bauten wir zwei Informationsstände auf, an denen die Bürger Lünens die Möglichkeit hatten Näheres zu erfahren und mit uns persönliche in Kontakt zu treten.

Dieser persönliche Kontakt lag uns besonders am Herzen, da wir der Meinung sind, dass die Botschaft – gegen Rassismus, für Toleranz und Frieden – so besser vermittelt werden können. Die Informationsstände befanden sich auf der Lippebrücke und am Judenfriedhof, wobei die Lippebrücke eine Verbindung zwischen Menschen und Religionen darstellte.

An dieser Stelle setzte sich besonders der Religionskurs der 6. Klasse ein, denn sie scheuten keine Mühen und spielten unentwegt ein einstudiertes Theaterstück vor, das die Zuschauer begeisterte.

Der Informationsstand am Judenfriedhof war besonders zum Abend hin eine Attraktion.

Der ehemalige Friedhof, der an der Münsterstraße gelegen ist, war von vielen Lampen beleuchtet und bot daher eine tolle Atmosphäre.

Hinzu kam, dass wir eine Kreidespur quer durch die Innenstadt Lünens laufen ließen, die die Gedenkstätten der Juden verband und gleichzeitig Zusammenhalt symbolisierte.

Alles in allem war die Aktion Tacheles ein voller Erfolg, denn neben Informationen und Denkanstößen, die wir den Menschen mit auf den Weg gaben, sammelten wir 200€ Spenden.

Diese Spenden gehen zu einem Viertel an die katholische Gemeinde Herz Jesu und zwei weitere Viertel gehen an die evangelische Gemeinde St. Georg und die muslimische Gemeinde in der Roonstraße.

Natürlich geht das letzte Viertel an die jüdische Gemeinde in Dortmund.

Anne Manten, überprüft und abgetippt von Christian Lohoff


Report on TACHELES

The project day “Steinis reden Tacheles” is there to remind people of the Night of Broken Glass (Reichspogromnacht), which has its 70th anniversary this year.

Even in our small city Lünen three Jews were killed brutally on November 9th, 1938. But many inhabitants ignore the memorials in Lünen.

They need someone to remove their scales from their eyes and call on them not to look away.

That’s what the Steinis do with the chalk line from the Jew’s Alley to the memorial stone of the old synagogue, past the memorial at the Lippe riverbank to the Jewish graveyard in Münsterstraße and all the activities like canoes with big banners on the Lippe, flyers and the sale of cake and drinks.

Also the activity “10 seconds on video” should afford the opportunity for pupils to speak their mind.

We want to clarify our position for tolerance, moral courage, dedication, solidarity and human rights and against right wing radicalism, xenophobia, exclusion, bullying and every other form of violence.

Carina Reinke, rewritten by Christian Lohoff


Tacheles and Tolerance

Never again!

“Steinis reden Tacheles” is the name of a project of students of FSG in Lünen for respect, freedom of religion and peaceful cooperation and against intolerance, violence, anti-Semitism and especially racism.

It deals with happenings which are coherent with the night of broken glass on 9th November 1938. Then, groups of the SA, SS and also “normal” Lünen citizens nearly burned the synagogue down and persecuted a few Jewish men.

Two men were killed in their flats and one was bounced into the river Lippe and drowned.

Not enough, the whole Jewish cemetery in Münsterstraße was made level by the SA and SS.

To remember these horrible and inhuman happenings the students placed two canoes with a banner in the Lippe, on it the mission statement “Tolerance Tacheles” and a lamp between them to symbolize the fire.

On the bridge some students sold cake for a little donation to Lünen churches and the synagogue. Others were acting and Herr Graas was telling a reporter what was going on.

This was only one of three stations you could experience when you followed the white chalk line which started at FSG and ran through the city and Jewish Alley over the bridge to the cemetery in Münsterstraße.

At last my respects for the commitment and achievement. The personal highlight for me was the floodlit Jewish cemetery in the evening.

Louisa Holtsträter, rewritten by Christian Lohoff



The project „Tacheles“, which took place on 7th November, caused a sensation in our city. Some teachers and pupils of Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium arranged a project-day in memory of the Holocaust, the genocide on millions of Jews in the period of National Socialism.

(For those, who perhaps don’t know the meaning of the project name: Tacheles means telling the truth, “to talk turkey”.)

On this day you could follow the white chalk line from the Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium up to the Jewish Cemetery and see several places like “Judengasse”, a narrow street where Jewish people lived or a benchmark which reminds of a Jewish Synagogue which was burned down in view of persecution of Jews. There also were some pupils on the city-bridge who sold cakes to passers-by for donations to different parishes, and bills which called for tolerance. The slogan of the project – “Never again” – could also be seen on a big banner. Moreover you could see the name of the activity “Tacheles – Tolerance”, written on a banner and placed over two canoes which were brought by pupils and a teacher along the river. One of the activities that concerned the people was a TV on which you could see pupils telling their own opinion about racism in 10-second spots.

During the action the pupils had short conversations with passers-by about the victims of the persecution and racism in general. Some of them, mostly the older people, advanced their opinion about the past but also lots of people didn’t want to talk.

To my mind this project was great because it shows that the past is not forgotten and we don’t want to experience it again. So therefore people must look back on the awesome happenings in order to avoid them in the future.

Olga Prokofev, rewritten by Christian Lohoff


Monika Stallmeister

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