Our trip to Brighton

By Sabrina Algie, Jana Reingräber, and Natascha Schreeck

On Wednesday morning at 9. 30 am half of our group set out to visit Brighton. The other half went to Cambridge.

Brighton, which is a city at the south coast of Great Britain, was to give us a nice change to the days we spend in the heart of busy London. After a two-hour bus ride we finally arrived at 11. 30 am at the beach of Brighton. The weather was beautiful (poor Cambridge people!): The sun was shining and the cold, salty wind blew in our faces.

This was to be the first day in Britain that we could decide ourselves how to spend. None of the teachers present made any decisions. So we started to discover the city in small groups, with the people we liked to go with. Some of us stayed at the beach, but I and many others preferred to look for nice shops in Brighton’s cosy city-centre.

We found small shops which weren’t very expensive (in contrast to London’s shops). So we managed to spend our last money there by buying nice clothes. Few of us also used the five-hour stay to get to know something about the city’s history by visiting the Royal Pavillon which once (in the 18th century) was Queen Victoria’s residence. This building, which looks like a castle in one of those old fairy-tales, was a great experience for those who visited it. All in all our trip to Brighton was rewarding and made our stay in London only more interesting.

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