The Globe Theatre, take two

By Johannes Francis Püschel, Holger Marylin Schmidt, Sebastian Barely Liebern und Nils Inge Althoff featuring Tim Beverly Hüttemann

Leaving the hotel heading towards the Globe taking the tube leaving the station listening to an actor on a curious, pittoresque, strange and amazing stage, sucking the knowledge into the deepest parts of our soul dying by using f***ing participle constructions we reached the real Globe looking and wandering to the yard. Standing in the yard listening and viewing a show lasting for incredible 195 minuntes getting bored getting interested getting bored getting interested getting killed again by f***ing participle constructions getting bored getting interested getting hurting feet getting bored getting interested getting more hurting feet getting more bored getting more interested and finish. A very interesting experience.

Making of this article (German translation)

Holger: Hey Jungs, was soll ma machen?

Nils: Ähh…

Sebastian: Ohh…

Johannes: Hmm…

Tim: Weiß nicht… (allgemeine Ratlosigkeit)

Holger: Nils, diktier ma.

Nils: Aaaalsoooo… (Nils diktiert den oben stehenden Text)

Johannes: Jaaaa!!!!

Holger: Boah!!

Sebastian: Jawoll!!!

Tim: Moment…

Nils: Wat is?

Tim: Könn wa das wirklich machen?

Johannes: Hm?!?

Nils: Ööh…

Holger: Warum denn nicht?

Sebastian: Ach Sucki wirds schon schaukeln.

Nils: Ööh…

Johannes: Jau, der verstehts schon

Tim: Meinst Du?

Nils: Mann bist du ne Gurke

Holger: Nils mach ma nich auf cool

Nils: Was willsen Duuu? (die beiden beschimpfen sich mit nicht druckreifen Ausdrücken…)

Nils: Gleich krichse se!!

Holger: Komm doch, komm doch…

Johannes: Schluß jetz (but too late after a battle lasting for about two hours the fiv came to the following conclusion:)

Sebastian: Laßt uns noch mal anfangen…

The result

The G. L. O. B. E. – Giant Linguistic Overwhelming Breath-taking Experience On a wunderful, sunny tuesday morning we left the Regent Palace Hotel towards the Globe-Theatre. First we got a special introduction by an actor into nowadays actor’s work and in Shakespeare’s times. It was interesting to get information about the facts that normal english actors just have only about one or two days to prepare for an play in contrast to their german collegues who have the possibility to prepare for half an year.

After this we got the chance to wander through the globe and see it for the first time, we stood in the yard, saw the stage and felt as if we were in the past times. Then we got the permission to see the Globe exhibition, which took us so much time that we were just in time when we came out to see our first Shakespeare play. The Merchant of Venice took three hours and 15 minutes, a bad long time for our feet, but the only thing to make us stay was the unbelieveable actor’s ability to act as if they were really the protagonists. They created such a dense atmosphere that we were kept held by it. We didn’t expect it to be so modern and funny, especially the entertainment before the play and within the breakes.

Overall we think it was good to visit the Globe and it was an important experience and it should be made by anyone who visits London. Our knowledge of the english language is now as big as the unemployment-rate in Germany.

P. S. Do not take us too serious


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