London as a cultural and racial melting pot

By Edina Mujkanovich

If you walk through the streets of London you will mention how multi-coulered this city is. There is an enormous variety of different nationalities. The City of London is a small area of 2.59 sq km. There live approximately 7.000.000 people subdevided into 78 percent white people, that means English native-born population, Europeans, Americans, Australiens; 10 percent black residents and the remaining 12 percent are formed by the Asien inhabitants.

A lot of these immigrants are owners of several kinds of shops, restaurants and other sorts of buisiness, so they have good living conditions and a safed future. There are a lot of Indian, Chinese, Japenese, Bangladeshi, Pakistani restaurants and black stores.

You can find a huge number of mixed marriages. Everywhere you observe a mixture of couples of lovers. Mostly it is a black-white relation. The atmosphere of London gives you the feeling as if all people live together without any importance of their origin.

But this City has also negative sides. Some ethnic groups have their own districts like the black people who cover the Brixton area and the South Asiens who are located in the Southall area or China Town. Sometimes these areas become targets of white racist antagonism. Similar to all other countries immigrants have allways disadvantages by living in a foreign country. Unemployment and a worsening economic situation are mostly the guilt of immigrants, seeing it from the point of view of a real English born human.

Another negative point is the poverty. There are people living on all sqares in the City of London. They lead a street-life without knowing what happens the next day, without any outlook on their future. They are waiting for someone with heart who will help them by giving a little amount of money.

People from all kind of races care for entertainment in the City. Bands play through the whole night, black musicians do their show, Art-students look for people to paint them and so forth. For girls it is a must to visit London. It is full of handsome and sweet boys almost with no exception – something for every taste. Especially the Asiens bewitch the girls hearts. Most of them are very nice. The black guys have an interesting outward appereance. But also for boys there are many cracy girls.


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