The website of Freiherr vom Stein Gymnasium at Luenen – English abstract
HomeEnglish abstract
Most of our website is available in German only. However, nearly all links below lead to pages in English.
What’s currently going on at FSG?
Sorry – due to lack of staff we can no longer provide this service in English. Check out our German-language »Current affairs« page!
As towns go, Lünen ain’t half bad.
What happened at FSG in previous years?
Refer to our English-language chronicles:

• scholastic year 2000/2001

• scholastic year 2005/2006

• scholastic year 2001/2002

• scholastic year 2006/2007

• scholastic year 2002/2003


• scholastic year 2003/2004


• scholastic year 2004/2005


Chronicles before 2000 are available in German only.

Where is Lünen?
Find out here.
You want to visit us at FSG? Use the maps and follow the detailed – German-language – directions.
Who was Freiherr vom Stein?
Our school was named after the 19th-century Prussian reformer Baron vom Stein. Find out here who he was.
The FSG site map…
… is here.

Update: 31/07/2007
Artur Weinhold

HomeEnglish abstract